Remote Myopia Monitoring with a Breakthrough Mobile App Technology

Myopia Problem (nearsighted)

Myopia is approaching epidemic proportions around the world, especially in children, due to excessive screen time and a lack of bright light exposure from playing outside.

The number of people with myopia in 2020 was predicted to be 2.6 billion globally, and is expected to rise up to 4.9 billion by 2050, unless preventive actions and interventions are taken. The number of individuals with high myopia is also increasing substantially and myopia is predicted to become the most common cause of irreversible vision impairment and blindness worldwide.¹

Very few optometrists have a $25,000 machine to measure axial length (length of the eyeball). How can a patient's myopia progression be monitored in a more economical way and at home between doctor visits?

You can with OcuDoc’s revolutionary technology.

OcuDoc Solution

Our team has developed a proprietary algorithm that analyzes light reflected from the retina. This “scatter pattern” is detected by the sensors on a smartphone and sent to our proprietary and secure cloud. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, we are able to determine a change in axial length (length of the eyeball). If axial length gets longer, myopia (nearsightedness) gets worse.

OcuDoc is the first and only smartphone app that provides accurate, fast, objective, and convenient myopia monitoring, without the need for additional equipment.

  • Measures the change in axial length

  • Enables telerefraction - glasses and contact lens prescription

  • No bright lighting or flashes

  • Uses ambient light, not infrared light

  • Non-contact—does not touch the patient

  • Portable, compact, and convenient

  • Affordable

OcuDoc’s Technology

OcuDoc measures axial length with a smartphone.  As axial length increases, myopia gets worse. Use the OcuDoc app at home and it sends the results to your eye care professional for assessment.

OcuDoc has developed a proprietary algorithm that analyzes the light reflected off the retina. We use the flash on a smartphone to provide the light, but not at the brightness of the flash used for a photograph. The “scatter pattern” of light that is reflected back is detected by the sensors on the smartphone and sent to our secure and proprietary cloud for analysis. The results are sent to your designated eye care professional for evaluation.

Advancing Your Practice with Breakthrough Technology. 

OcuDoc delivers autorefractor and myopia monitoring to help eye care professionals connect with more patients. It’s like having the gold standard equipment in the palm of your hand.

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Making Telemedicine
an Advantage.

Until OcuDoc, there was no viable mobile technology to measure myopia changes, or over-refraction outside of a doctor’s office. We enable ECPs to serve their patients better and provide better care, utilizing the growing demand for telemedicine. OcuDoc not only increases a doctor’s interactions with their patients, it extends the reach of their practice. OcuDoc allows ECPs to know sooner when there is a change in their patients’ vision or myopia, allowing them to alert the patient to come for an in-office evaluation.

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Empowering Eyecare

In regulated markets, only practicing optometrists and ophthalmologists will be provided access to the complete functionality and refractive error measurements of OcuDoc. In addition to the ability to use OcuDoc in their daily practice, doctors can send the app to patients and caregivers to utilize at home, with results delivered electronically to their practices for review.

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